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Registered under Societies Ordinance ( Section 5A(1), Chapter151, Laws of Hong Kong )
Organization in Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council since 2022
The Actor of Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
policy & economic alliance caring of earth

We need to restore our ecosystems now - for climate, nature and people.
Fake Website and Emails
It has come to the attention of Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth ( PEACE ) that some unidentified parties have made use of our name to: (a) set up a fake PEACE's website; and (b) form a fake originating email address and emailed to the general public.
PEACE hereby clarifies that our organisation’s official website is We have never set up any other website nor emailed anyone for any DONATION. our organisation has no connection whatsoever with any contents of the fake website and fake emails. Please do not visit the fake website, respond to the email or visit any website mentioned therein from the fake email address, or provide any personal information or donate to the email sender or such a website.
PEACE is very concerned about the issue and has reported the case to the police. PEACE reserves all legal rights against all parties involved in the incident. Anyone who receives an email from the fake email address, please contact PEACE Secretariat email at : immediately.
PEACE Secretariat
17th August 2021
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