Registered under Societies Ordinance ( Section 5A(1), Chapter151, Laws of Hong Kong )
Organization in Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council since 2022
The Actor of Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
policy & economic alliance caring of earth
Commune River Care Fund – Year 2
The Commune River Care Fund (CRCF) is an initiative established by PEACE in June 2019 to support Cambodia local community, community-based organisations/non-profit organisations to pursue their river conservation initiatives. The goals are to establish and encourage a river care civil society can contribute and demonstrate the best management practices of River Care in Cambodia and to support establishment and sustainability of community-based water and river care programme in Cambodia.
For year 2020, PEACE has provided grants or operation grants to support CRCF in grants and training, benefiting 10 community grant recipients, and 3 environmental talks by awareness-raising, education and capacity building, riverine biodiversity conservation, river pollution and clean-up, river rehabilitation and protection, sustainable livelihood, and best management practices to reduce the pollution. This initiative has supported on-the-ground river and water conservation initiatives that have a substantial impact in creating healthy river ecosystems that will lead to cleaner river water and improving behaviour changes of the public towards river care.