Registered under Societies Ordinance ( Section 5A(1), Chapter151, Laws of Hong Kong )
Organization in Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council since 2022
The Actor of Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
policy & economic alliance caring of earth
Support R&D for Survivability of K-Tree In Guinea-Conakry ( Year 3 )
The program aims to promote and support sustainable forest and wetland management to conserve ecology, biodiversity and mitigate climate change. The Forest Programme provides a wide range of technical services and activities related to forest and biodiversity assessment and management at the local and national levels. The programme also focuses on protecting and preserving environmental resources as well as providing a sustainable alternative livelihood options to local communities. This program is driven by participatory, process-oriented and science-based approached to addressing environmental issues.

This is year three our partnership with African Economic & Ecological Modernization Sphere (African - EEMS) and the Government of Guinea is aims to upgrade and expand the Phase 1 like R&D Plant nationwide. The duration for R&D for Survivability of K-Tree in Guinea-Conakry is 3 years. PEACE continue the co-sponsorship for year 2021 on 10th March 2021. The African EEMS project is a significant opportunity by taking action to solve Global Warming and generate a new economic area. This action will be done under the sustainable development philosophy calls 4FFCC or 4 Factors for Fighting Climate Change, which will create an infinite benefit for the countries, where located and involved in the project.