Registered under Societies Ordinance ( Section 5A(1), Chapter151, Laws of Hong Kong )
Organization in Special Consultative status with the Economic and Social Council since 2022
The Actor of Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
policy & economic alliance caring of earth
5th Anniversary of PEACE 2018-2023
The establishment of the PEACE on 2nd October 2018 in Hong Kong SAR of China is to combine all the people who are enthusiastic and support the environment and care for the earth to work hard to curb the deteriorating ecological and environment, also to protect the global environment on which humans depend. We promote the development of a low carbon economy globally, at the same time, promote Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development Goals, as well as global actions advocated by the Paris Climate Agreement.
President Message
This year, we gather to celebrate the 5th anniversary of PEACE, our esteemed organization. This milestone represents a decade of hard work and dedication toward our shared commitment to caring for our planet.
May I express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey. Your unwavering support and tireless efforts have shaped PEACE into an organization that promotes sustainable policies and fosters economic growth while prioritizing environmental stewardship.
We have achieved remarkable milestones over the past five years through collaborative initiatives, advocacy campaigns, research projects, and policy recommendations. Together, we have made a tangible impact on local communities and global platforms by raising awareness about pressing environmental issues and driving positive change through innovative solutions.
As we reflect on our progress thus far, let us renew our commitment to tackling climate change head-on. We must strive for sustainable development practices that preserve our planet for future generations.

Establishment of PEACE Organisation
The establishment of the PEACE on 2nd October 2018 in Hong Kong SAR of China is to combine all the people who are enthusiastic and support the environment and care for the earth to work hard to curb the deteriorating ecological and environment, also to protect the global environment on which humans depend. We promote the development of a low carbon economy globally, at the same time, promote Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Development Goals, as well as global actions advocated by the Paris Climate Agreement.

Accredited as the Actor for Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030
Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth (PEACE) was accredited as the First Batch of THE ACTOR of the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which will begin from 2021 -2030.
Special Consultative Status to Economic & Social Council
Policy & Economic Alliance Caring of Earth (PEACE) was accredited as the Special Consultative status to United Nations Economic & Social Council in december 2022.