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Youth & Climat-X Dialogue provide a platform to connect youth leaders of tomorrow with corporate leaders and build connections among their peers. Young people from across Asia have the chance to discuss challenges and solutions for a sustainable future. Youth & Climat-X Dialogue brough together 65 participants from 18 countries named Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam participated in the dialogue.


The dialogue commenced during the afternoon ( 2:00pm, GMT +8) of 22nd February 2021 with opening messages by Mr. Chanasnun Kajornphuwapong, the President of PEACE, and moderated by Dr. Tee Ching Seng, the Vice President of PEACE, followed by the speech from 18 speakers on 2 topics, which are “ Youth’s Role in Climate Empowerment” and “ Link Between Education & Climate Change”.


  1. Young people are engaged in climate action globally.  Youth & Climax-X Dialogue recommended the following to enhance youth involvement at all levels:

  2. Having official youth delegates in UN’s climate change platform is crucial for capacity building and for having an inclusive dialogue. Therefore, we suggest that PEACE advocate to include youth delegates at the sessions of UN Climate Change in order to support the engagement of young people.

  3. Establish new programs, while also building upon existing Youth Delegate programs, in order to enhance youth participation, as well as to build a larger pool of youth who could support or be appointed as PEACE Focal Points.

  4. Competitions and contests, especially with a creative approach, should be explored as an effective way to enhance youth involvement and awareness in climate action.

  5. Parties should provide financial support in form of a fund, or other mechanisms, for projects and scholarships for youth to participate at the climate change negotiations and to engage in climate action at the international level, as well as to build their capacity for undertaking actions at the national level.

  6. Parties should support the organization of national and regional model COPs (e.g., COP simulations), in order to reach and engage more young people on the ground and to educate and inspire them.

  7. Education has a major role to play in bridging the awareness gap between the success and challenges of Climate Empowerment. This form of education is not limited only to formal education, but also encompasses vocational training and other aspects of informal education along the principle of leaving no one behind. Similarly, capacity building programs, both on international level and, as relevant, on the national level, should also be incorporated.

  8. Several recommendations were suggested for enhancing national education:

  9. Ensure that climate education, as well as elements under the Education for Sustainable Development, are incorporated into the curriculums at all levels of learning.

  10. Integrate Climate change education into both formal and informal education materials. These should include key areas such a mitigation and adaptation, where the younger generations must have their capacity built for effective climate change actions.

  11. Provide and promote attractive online material on climate change and sustainability, as well as on the UN Climate Change process, for interested teachers and youth.

  12. Build a climate resilient community by having a sustainability capacity building program that targets youth in both formal and informal learning arenas.

  13. As part of these capacity building activities, education can work in line with the Paris Committee of Capacity Building (PCCB). The mentorship of youth by the Parties also can be implemented to increase the capacity of youth, as well as to grow the connection between Parties and youth. Implementing sustainable capacity building programs on climate change will ensure a smoother, farther reaching and cross-cutting awareness on the hazards of climate change, which is paramount in PEACE and implementation of the Paris Agreement.

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